Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Life is too short to spend it at war with yourself

I am amazed. I am amazed about every single person who finds a way into my life, or I find a way into theirs or we just somehow meet. I am amazed about those who are far away and still closer than neighbours. I am amazed about what life is bringing me or what I'm bringing to myself or what is just an overall coincidence.  

Sidenote: why it's still such a taboo to talk about our negative feelings? We're humans. The practice stands in learning how to cope with them, accept them and nourish them with love. 
Yet we see it as a weaknesses. Yet we all sometimes have them. 
We have all been there. Not anything special, not weaker than the person standing next to us and smiling on the outside... 
Life is too short to hide yourself.
Life is too short to spend it at war with yourself. 

. . . . . 

I am amazed. About this optimism that is not even aggressively coded in me. It's just there. With the good and bad. 
And I'm simply amazed. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

I accept

I have nothing to say.
Everything is real nice. 
Everything is real.
Everything is nice.
I tend to think, that it's not real, because it's so nice. But then I realise that it is real.
Life is full of surprises and I let myself to be surprised. 
Really surprising.
And it's real nice.

After a long time and after a long period of letting my leg rest and be still, it's time to start. 
1 / 30 days of yoga. Blissful, beautiful, a bit painful, but still rewarding. Connecting with me, being aware and healing the body. Literally healing the pain points in my leg and some in my back.
I discovered some hesitations, uncertainty in me and being guarded up. So yoga is not for the body at first - it's for the mind. Being as much present as I can, seeing and trying to figure out where are those feeling coming from and how can I make a better ending for the day.
It's not always pretty. People tend to think it is - but I guess it's the superficiality that comes from the social media. The fear of showing vulnerability, fear of giving the Universe bad thoughts and bad feelings, fear of being a human. Yet I'm here to tell that it's not always pretty. Simple part of being a human. Of course it doesn't mean bursting everything out, letting the emotions take the advantage of you... it's finding the balance of your thoughts, emotions, body and soul.
The journey of yoga.

Spring in my soul and on my skin.
Stay present. #selflove2016

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Screaming "22"

"For all those years you have protected the seed... It's time to become the beautiful flower."

Week full of surprises, unknown connections, quiet thoughts and getting older. No wonder it has been a hectic ride - all this craziness turned my temperature up and mood somewhere in the middle. An awkward year of being 21 is now "so last year" and I'm here, ready to continue the #selflove2016.

After this magical yet "what the heck is going on" week my mind is blank. No, not the "I'm not feeling anything anymore"-blank. But it feels like a conscious balance - everything that life chooses to challenge me with is done or going to be done and I'm not nervous at all. Alright, maybe just a little, but it's the excited-nervousness... Accepting what is done and knowing that whatever comes is just a darling, little, adventure.
(At least I'm really hoping it is.)

The wish for 22 is to laugh with the adventure but take the passion with for a ride.
I do not know where I am after 4 months... but it feels like I'm walking home. Either way, it's going to be a home for me. Either way the option is beyond amazing.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Mul on kodu

Pole tähtust kelle oma
varem olin ja kelle sa.
Vaatamata tagasi
saame julgemalt elada.

Valgus annab mulle sooja,
kevadel siis õitsen ma.
Kelle oma? Iseenda.
Nii saan suureks kasvada.