Thursday, February 28, 2019

Humane joy at 1:27pm

There's nothing to waste more.

I guess it is a decision
of how you see yourself
and what kind of opportunities
you are attracting.
Your decision
is letting your humane joy
bravely outburst,
without thinking

Let yourself dance.
Let us dance.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Happens 127 times

Days seem so long. Weeks are even longer. Everything happens, quickly or slowly, but everything happens. And it's a lot.
I have no idea how the day ends, and no clue what's going to happen in the end of the week. Let's not talk about "what and where" I am after it all finishes. Let's just not. Simply because it will block the process of surprises and growing. It's not about being enlightened - it's simply about me, somehow wanting to be scared and somehow wanting just to see... what happens.
And what happens - happens.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

127 steps out of micro-system

The amount of sleep I need can't even be compared to the amount of courage I need. Also the amount of concentration I need can't be compared to the amount of zooming out I need to do.
Learning to step out of the micro system and slowly entering macro zone must be the hardest decision and lesson so far. It's not impossible, I just need insane courage. Insane.
Because putting everything in perspective has not been my greatest quality. Not now; nor ever.

The amount of madness and discharging (I need) is insane. Insanely important.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

fomo 2019

Everyone's resting on your hand. Taking your hand. Taking you. Everywhere. 

Eyes closed. Yet you see everything. Even when you don't wanna see. Even when you can't see. 

27 days later

I must have done something right
in all those wrongs. 
Something strong
in all those fears. 

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Mul ei ole midagi öelda

Ma ei oska mitte midagi öelda.
Ma ei oska mitte midagi öelda.
Ma ei oska mitte midagi öelda.

Ei peagi.
Iga päev tuleb laine.
Aga lained jäävad väiksemaks
ja väiksemaks
ja väiksemaks.

Ja mina saan suuremaks.