Wednesday, July 13, 2011


She loved the idea of sensory experiences invoking memories. Like how hearing some song from the summer of 2008 could suddenly take you right back there. Or how smelling a certain cologne could make you think of an old boyfriend. There were all kinds of sensory experiences that she associated with her and his life back in Santa Barbara. The coconutty scent of sunscreen. The taste of blueberry pancakes. Seeing constellations in the night sky.
And now ... she and he weren't even speaking to each other.

Nüüd istun siin pimedas toas, sest ma ei leia lülitit üles. Lõpetasin ühe raamatu ja arvan, et täna öösega lõpetan ka teise. Siis uuesti tööle - kui veel tööd on.
Ning just kuulsin alt korruselt, et tööd on küllaga! Jess!

Ilusat ööd teile, seltsimehed.
Või naised.
Olen õnnelik õnnelike üle!

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