Monday, February 24, 2014


The thing is... that I love drunk people. But just the kind of drunk when they are completely honest. Totally drunk, but still telling you their true feelings and thoughts about themselves, others and the world around us. Moments, when they find even the smallest things joyful. Moments, when their laugh is the loudest and their tears could break even the strongest ones. The kind of drunk, when you can feel their soul. The best kind of drunk when you are making together memories that will last forever.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Don't be scared to walk alone

Don't be scared to like it. 

Kui mu elu vahel teeb vaheaja keerlemisest ja uuest informatisoonist ja uutest nägudest... siis ma istun ja vaatan välja. Oma uue laua taga tööl. Sisemine vaatlus ei ole selle pärast lõpetatud. Ma lihtsalt naudin ka välja poole vaatamist, et leida, mida oodata, keda oodata ja miks oodata. Need kõrgustest paistvad valgusvihud ei tundugi enam nii kaugel. Kas nemad on laskunud madalamale? Või mina olen tõusnud kõrgemale? Või on meie kohtumine hakkanud ristuma kuldsel keskteel?
Kuid ei, nad ei tundu enam nii kaugel. Samas ei taha ma ka poole sõidu pealt midagi ära sõnuda. Enne õhtut hõisata - kuigi olgem ausad, kell näitab kindlasti juba pigem uneaega kui keskpäevaseid valguskiiri. Kuid nautida ju võib. Nautima lausa peab. Tänulikkust peab näitama. Tänulik peab olema.
Mu oma New York on mulle lähemale jõudnud. Nüüd ma näen seda. Kui mitte lähemale jõudnud, siis olen ise sammu lähemale teinud. Olen selle avastanud enda aknast.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Nr. 4

"Too many young girls don’t know how to act when someone’s being inappropriate with them. They giggle or they try to brush it off. Don’t do that. Tell them to go fuck themselves - be a bitch. If someone’s being disrespectful to you, be disrespectful right back. Show them the same amount of respect that they show you."

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

N. 3

"It is okay to not know. Everyone always despises the phrase, “I don’t know” but no one tells you that it is okay to not know. The becoming is more important than the being, anyways."

The glass is definitely half full. And suddenly everything is half full. Or even almost completely filled.