Wednesday, June 4, 2014

I hope there are days

when you fall in love with being alive. 

And they doesn't have to be the grand ones. The most of the surprising ones. The huge events and biggest adventures.
They could be those big ones... but they could also be the little and simple ones. When you drink the first coffee of the day. When you share a laugh with your nephew or a stranger or even with yourself. When you stop and stare the view outside of your window. Moments when unexpected is exactly what you deep down excepted. When life isn't hundred percent perfect but you are giving your best hundred precent. Moments when you notice and feel the first summer breeze in your hair. You notice every good thing around you. And even the bad things. But you still will find that being in love with life is the only way to live it.

Notice the little moments. And don't waste the big ones, hoping for something even bigger.
Trust life.
Fall in love a bit.
Fall in love with simplicity.

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