Sunday, May 31, 2015

Home is wherever I'm with...

Home is wherever I can be with myself.

The feeling of home shows its-self in a different forms and shapes.
It calms my shaking hands and overly spontaneous mind. It takes away my thoughts of being lost. It washes away the dirt on my feet when I've been out for too long. It nurses me with comfort but at the same time with strong wanderlust. It keeps away the wrong ones and opens doors for the right ones. It balances my in- and outside like white Tara.
Home can be a place or a feeling or a person or the song you really love. It can be the book you often read but never finish. It can be the laughter and the tears of joy when you are with the ones you love. The hugs from the little ones. Home can be the conversations about future that doesn't exist or the talks about your favourite foods, movies and nonsense. It's the quietness that feels so good and so relaxing. The quietness that makes you feel like every little thing is going to be just fine.
Home gives you the feeling that there's more to love than just what you see. It makes you realise that there's more to life. More to life than standards, systems and "the right moves." Makes you feel that what you know is enough. More than enough. There's more to life than your grades wether they are A's or B's or C's or you need to pass the exams again. There's more to life than statuses that things put on you, than broken promises or faded relationships. There's always more.
The feeling of home shows that not just there's more to life. But also... there's more to love.
Home loves you. And makes you love yourself.

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