Wednesday, May 13, 2020

You and me and her at 1:27 am / pm / every time / day

We would build a home
in and outside of us,
never second-guessing 
always admiring, no rush

Our laughter will be the light
we need
and we would take care of each others company 

You are telling me you are coming
and you know how impatient I could be
but please
run a bit faster,
there’s a whole world to see 

You will give me my space
and I will hold you as much as I can
because we are in sync
even if our love language is different,
our plane always lands 

We choose each other 
in the mist of it all
and as the years go by we still look at each other
and fall

I feel protected 
and you feel loved 
vice versa, of course,
never alone
never far 

It’s the most beautiful thing
to love unconditionally,
to accept and respect 
and always flow –
never rally 

Life will take us 
on an amazing adventure:
we will see the world
we would hold the space 
each other and the ones in need –
we will love and laugh
we will make passions work
and blossom 

“Where have you been all along?”
we would think and say when we greet

and darling, oh darling 
very soon
we will meet 

And one day in the future 

would come and
also have 

dancing feet 

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