Tuesday morning, catching up with THE Kardashian and making business.
It's our second time in Reval Cafe, having breakfast together and daydreaming about future. And now literally making our future.
She took the English breakfast which was supposedly good - good as an English breakfast can be.
I, on the other hand, took an oatmeal porridge again (now with strawberry jam). I can say that it was a bit better than Popular's one. The cafe latte was still divine. So again. I drank two.
After that we both had a bit sweet tooth craving - so we headed to the counter again. I decided to take a big chocolate cookie which was a good decision to eat while working.
Reval Cafe has this good kind of vibe inside. You can see fathers with daughters having a lovely breakfast, business going on, friends meeting, tourist who are enjoying the cosy old town corners and individuals, who just want to wake up in a dusky atmosphere.
The service is rather fast than slow. Nothing much to complain on.
So take some time - take your work or your daydreaming books and start this rainy day a bit better than usual.
Taking the first train.
Having lunch next to the river, laughing our hearts numb, being kissed by the sun and dreaming our loud.
Getting lost in the architecture, in the people, in yourself yet experiencing freedom every step of the way.
Putting the volume up in the middle of the night, parking the car right next to the fast lane, watching the milky way and the sea of stars, shouting the song lyrics on the top of our lungs and dancing like we have no bones.
Getting in bed at 2am and thinking.
Friday morning and breakfast catch-up-date.
The good coffee latte made me drink it twice. Being a coffee expert in my mind, I always search for a great cup of coffee. Often it depends on who serves it... but most of the times what matters is just the quality. Thanks to Popular's coffee - my morning took a good start.
We both took an oatmeal porridge. Perfect amount. Not too small and definitely not too big. Porridge with honey was a great kick-off. Simple and effective breakfast combo.
Sitting outside on a crispy morning, having Tallinn's old town architecture around us, followed by sweet and friendly service - this sums up our perfect get-together date.
People keep asking me: "Can I see your travel pictures?" "Where are all the pictures?" "Why are there only few?" "Don't you have like a massive slideshow to present us?" "Why the heck you didn't do a lot of photos?"
Only thing I can do is hopefully and somehow make you understand... The most beautiful pictures are the ones that've never been taken.
Reunited. For a short time. My German sister. Forever.
Can't describe the joy this girl brings me. She is the definition of happiness, style and passion. She's my season of Sex and the City. She's dancer of life and lover of great company. She knows how to value presents but always looks the secrets of tomorrow. She is laughter and joy. She is herself.
Don't live the same year 75 times and call it a life..
(I sometimes panic when I remember the fact that there's so much to do and so little time. But then I luckily realise that every things comes in its own time.)
See seisneb mälestustes. Mitte kurbades. Vaid nendes mälupiltides inimestest, kes on olnud üks hetk nii lähedal meie hingele, õnnelikkusele ja tõele. See on "bittersweet." Olete õnnelikud, et see juhtus. Ja samas tunnete seda valu. Valu ja tänulikkus, kui inimene ei viibi enam teiega samas linnas. Kui inimene ei viibi enam teie elus. Kui inimene viibib teiega ühes ruumis, kuid see miski, mis oli, on nüüd puudu. Kui inimene võib lebada teie kõrval ja te lihtsalt meenutate mälestusi, mida koos läbi elasite.
Põhinedes mälestustele.
Eelkõige mälufotodele.
Siirale õnnelikkusele.
Ja nüüd tõele otsa vaatamisele. Siirale igatsusele.
Aitäh, et te tutvustasite mulle inimesi, keda ma ei tea. Aitäh, neid kirjeldamast nii selgelt ja elavalt. Aitäh, et olite endaga aus. Aitäh, et jagasite oma ausust minuga. Aitäh, et lasksite endal olla haavatavad ning ei varjanud oma tundeid kellegi eest. Aitäh, et andsite mulle rohkem, kui ma palusin.
Ma ei nutnud kurbusest ega rõõmust. Ma nutsin siirusest teie vastu. Iga üks teist kannab endaga kaasas mingit maagilist sisemaailma, kuhu me ust ei leia. Te purustasite täna mitte lihtsalt enda ja minu vahel ukse... vaid eelkõige te vaatasite ausalt otsa endale ning lubasite langetada oma müüri iseenda ees. Iseenda ja oma tunnete ees. Iseenda ja tõe ees.
Kõik individuaalid maalisid omanäolise loo. Ometi me vormisime ka loo koos. Inimene on inimene. isegi, kui me kõik oleme nii erinevad ning mõtleme erinevatest inimestest ja situatsioonidest - Vaatamata kõigele sellele... oleme ja teame täpselt, kui sarnaselt me võime olla.
Ruum oli täis energiat, mida ei saa lihtsalt niisama tekitada. Te panite oma energia liikuma. Te tekitasite sellega eufooria, kus isegi kõige kinnistema hingede uksed said murtud.
Ma loodan, et te saite osa minust. Ning osa teineteisest. Sest mina sain osa teist. Ma sain aru, et ma ei ole oma mõtetega üksi. Ma ei ole kaugeltki mitte ainus, kes on midagi sellist kogenud. Loodan, et te saite ka tükikese endast tagasi, mida olete hoidnud varjatuna.
Aitäh, julguse eest.
Aitäh, pisarate eest.
Aitäh, et olete ilusad. Isiksused. Energiad. Hinged.
Traveling is like flirting with life. It's like saying, I would stay and love you, but I have to go...
All the trekkers you meet are your friends. They greet you like friends, they are interested in you like friends and they give you the sincerest smile when you pass them. The amount of friends you get - not knowing their name and nationality - is outrageous. If you are willing to open up yourself and give away good vibes, you will get even better vibes back. Somehow you will remember their faces, maybe not all - but you have seen them all. You will remember the feeling they gave you. You will remember the feelings you felt during an upsurge, rainy weather, never-ending fight with leeches or sometimes even on a sunny afternoon. Thoughts about life, home, nature and relationships are constantly on your head while you walk. But you don't over-think. Everything that comes in to your mind will get clear. Every little worry will disappear.
Trekkers are allowed to think their own thoughts. Nobody is judging them there. They have time. The absence of time and obligations are making them blissful. They could solve their biggest problems up there... or they could just enjoy the moment and let everything go. They can't be found and their thoughts can't be affected.
Trekkers are your friends. Even if you don't know them and they don't want to be... they still are. They are going through the same things as you are. Humans are humans. You will realise that no matter what, we pretty much are the same. Not in a bad way. In a good way. In an extremely beautiful way.