Thursday, June 11, 2015

Kindness matters

I'm not the one who should judge people, places, feelings or situations.
It doesn't mean I'm not having an opinion.
It means the acceptance of human differences.

It's all fun and games until you take the jokes in and start to believe them. Start to put labels on people you were just few seconds ago admiring; start to put negative thoughts in to your head about people who you don't even know.

I know the ones who admit they are getting energy from stealing others, being fake depressed and whining. And I also know the ones who are not admitting it - but clearly they feel it too. Specially if the third thing they say when you meet is something about bad situation but he or she is being the bigger person.
Letting go is a good thing, honey.
I'm not the expert of it. But I always give it a try.

Take few seconds of the day to look around. 
Glance into yourself.
And to the streets of wonder. With amazing vibes. 

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