You wake up for yourself. You eat the breakfast you love. You go to school if you are interested in it. You go to work if you need to pay your bills. Hopefully you do something you like to do. Or you learn how to love it. You interact with the ones who bring out the best in you. Or who you can laugh the most, share the most or travel the most. You read the books you love. Or magazines - and no-one is there to judge you. You listen that "shitty" band that your course mates hate because you love them. You take yourself out to dinner, to movies, to the zoo and to the freaking party because you want to. You start collecting stamps or maps because why not. You save your money instead of floating on your parents wallets because you feel like it. You ask for help if you want to. You share travels with your parents because you love them. You cook the stuff you love. And you share it because love should be shared.
But most of all... Start doing things you were too scared to do because you were not sure of your knowledge, power or abilities. Start photographing, developing business ideas, saving money, writing, singing, painting, being alone, being in love, being out of love, breaking a habit, taking on a new habit, decorating your room, taking swimming lessons. What ever you want to do you better start doing it. I have postponed two of my dreams for a year now. And what I gained from it - yes, some other good memories... but also regrets. Loads of regrets.
And those two little things could have been squeezed in my daily routine. But I just had no courage. And will power. And not in enough wildness in my soul.
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