Talking to myself.
Hoping that maybe it might inspire you as well.
For God's sake, I need to stop thinking that I have to finish school so quickly or that I have to travel all the time to have adventures. Stop thinking that I only matter if somebody else puts values me or if I make it as a business woman, artist, president, politician or a hard-working-family-wife. I need to stop thinking that everything revolves around society and it's important to only make the best choices and the best memories. I need to stop my thoughts at night analysing every single step or choice in school or work or relationships. Or my creativity.
I need to stop procrastinating and hurting myself with stress and bad habits. Stop thinking that I will only succeed if I climb the social ladder. Need to stop thinking that I should measure my life, present and future in success.
I need to stop comparing myself with other peoples' lives... reflection and empathy is beautiful, but not in such an extreme way. I need to stop wearing a blindfold and need to understand that people see me differently than how I see myself. In a good way. I need to stop the self-doubt and I need to stop creating pseudo-problems. I need to stop the anxiety once and for all and get my heart in the right rhythm.
I need to stop thinking about 2015 and rather start taking advice from the 2014-me.
2015 broke me down in bits and pieces.
I need to start the self-love now.
Otherwise I’ll wonder my whole life “What I should be", “What I should do" and “Who I should love".
For God's sake... I need to let go of the pressure to be perfect.
But for God's sake… that doesn’t mean it’s one of those situations where I have to eliminate all the bad stuff and put pressure on myself to “do something”.
This is me acknowledging myself. Making room for all the bad because it also needs to be there - I'm just going to nourish it with love. With grand love and creativity.
Mul on kõrini tingivast kõneviisist - kuulsin ainult endalt, mida peaksin tegema, kuidas oleksin ja võiksin.
Nüüd pean. Tasakaalukalt. Iseendaga.
*Peace sign*
toimetas Laura Raud
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