Sunday, April 21, 2019

They give me butterflies at 1:27pm and 'am

Somewhere in this mess
I found the ones who are always here,
the ones who will stroke my back after a long day,
the ones who will flirt my days away,
the ones who will listen
and the ones who will help.
I found the ones who will know more me
and accept more me
than this whole mess did.

I found the ones who will make me feel
some sort of -
some strange sort of butterflies.

Not the common ones
but the ones that
make me fly.

And all this mess
I found me.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

1:27 poems about love

I will always write poems
about the ones
I love
or for the ones
I'm falling in love with. 
I might even write
when I falling out of it
but never for those 
who kill my love
towards myself. 
Even if it's in the very end. 

I will always write poems
about and for the ones
who make me feel
like I could fall in love. 

But "no worries," 
I say to myself,
"it takes more than poems
to actually know
that I'm in love". 

But I'm always

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Might leave after 127 days?

I set myself free
from the situations
that drained me.
I set myself free.

The only one holding me here
is me.
And I'm setting myself free
from myself.
And from this place.

Ma vabastasin end
mis nõrgestasid mind.
Ma vabastasin end.

Ainus, kes mind siin hoiab
olen mina.
Ja ma vabastan end
ja sellest kohast.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Weekday realizations at 1:27am

You thought
there was something
wrong with you.

Little did you know
he was wrong
for you.
And with you.

Monday, April 15, 2019

127 flames

She said to me
"you never go back"
and she explained
that she would always doubt.
She said to me
"you never go back,
and you let people wonder
did it really happen?"
And I nodded
and added
I don't remember

Because I choose
what to remember
and what to burn.

And I chose to burn
"going back".
And the smoke
freed me.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

She was free at 1:27pm

He couldn't believe
that she didn't care -
so he made a decision
and created a mission
to speak about almost everything
to her.
And when she didn't even lift
an eyebrow
he understood
it's done.

She was free.
And he had to face the fact
that he sat her free
in the first place.

Ta ei suutnud uskuda,
et ta ei hoolinud enam -
seega ta võttis vastu otsuse
ja tegi missiooniks
rääkida temaga kõike
Ja kui ta isegi ei kergitanud
oma kulmu
sai ta aru,
et see on kõik.

Ta oli vaba.
Ja teisel oli seista fakti ees,
et ta lasi ta vabaks.

Friday, April 12, 2019

127 pieces of kindness

she was the kindest,
most caring
and the most "willing to fight for
what's good" one...

even if she was
the one
who was
in pieces.

Kuidagi moodi
oli ta lahkeim,
kõige hoolivam
ja kõige rohkem "valmis võitlema
hea asja nimel"...

isegi kui ta
oli see,
kes tegi seda

Monday, April 8, 2019

1:27 is all there is

This is not
your practise 

This is the only

This is all 

there is.

127 possibilities

based on fear"
are not the ones
that I’m ever 
going to make 

need to be full of
Full of hope. 
That it’s going to be -
it’s going to work out 
amazing and amazingly. 

Make decisions 
based on

And nothing anymore
based on

the fear of failure. 

127 days later

You were
not ready --
yet he knew
the moment he
saw her. 

Too bright at 1:27pm

I can't open my eyes
when I see you

you look happier
and more calm
yet even more excited about living
and loving 
and going

you look like
you have landed
in your own home
yet the whole world
feels like your home now 

you look like 
you have accepted 
that there’s a lot of you
in you
in others
and in the people you love,
looks like
you have accepted 
that you are for those
who are willing to 
love the whole you 

you don’t just look happier
you feel happier 
and calmer

you look so bright

I can’t open my eyes 

Sunday, April 7, 2019

At this moment, 1:27am

I cried
because I was scared
and terrified.

I was scared because
I didn’t know where I was going

and terrified 
I have never felt more alive. 


And I cried, 
but my tears didn’t drain me,
they nursed me 

I sailed away. 

Towards the life I wanted. 

Saturday, April 6, 2019

1:27pm in Brussels

And the only one
who is here as well,
who is always welcomed,
who is always wanted
and needed -
the only one who
can always be here

is me.