Sunday, June 23, 2019

127 korda

Kui ma saaksin,
siis viskaksin end
selle kõige ette
ja laseksin end vaadata
nii nagu olen.

Aga ma hoian end tagasi
muidu näevad kõik,
mitte vaid sina.

Learn to serve your heart

Learn to say "no".
Not only to your thoughts and to the rush hour, or when you're feeling your weakest. Learn to say "no" to humans who make you wait for no reason, who make you doubt for no reason, who make you want to say "no" even if it's for no reason.
Learn to say "no" to almost everything that doesn't serve you or your heart.
Serve and deserve.

Sometimes learning to say "no" is the way of saying "yes" to yourself.

127 "me" points

Start being kind
to yourself.
Everything else
will follow.

Your level is higher than 127

There will be men
who'll say
that what you are doing
is wrong,
what you are feeling
is unnecessary,
what you want
is childish.

They are not
your level
of men.

Don't just walk.
and run.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Sun kissed after 1:27pm

The sun kissed my cheeks
and the night
stroke my back
and I understood
"no need to
wait for you".
I already
have it all.

Even if I would like to
speaking from a kind heart
I need to keep moving.

Friday, June 21, 2019

127 peonies

Peonies in my hand
and in my hear
and in my eyes.
Everything else

Pojengid mu käes
ja mu juustes
ja mu silmades.
Kõik muu

On my heart at any 1:27

She rested her head
on my heart
and I knew
I need to protect her
at any cost. 

But first I understood
I need to become stronger. 
For the both of us.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Not your idea at 1:27am

Do not create
the idea of me
and then manifest it
and over again.
I'm not your idea.
I will not become the ideal.

Let me create
By myself.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Offline 'til 1:27

Being "offline" to them
will make them mad,
but it will set you free -
and steadily.

Olla hõivatud nende jaoks
võib ajada neid vihale,
aga see vabastab sind -
ja järjekindlalt.