Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Magic of the dawn

Am I slowly saying goodbye to 1:27? 

Some people have the magical power
to get skin deep
by just looking at you

you have the magical power
make me doubt

about what I feel
and who I want
and what I need.

You have the magical power to make me
choose you.

Monday, December 30, 2019

Future for 127 years and more

Stop romanticising pain
and confusion
and start
running into my arms.

I will hold your

127 ways of falling

I fell in love
in a supermarket
and in my bed
after a few glasses of wine.
Fell in love after every lovely greeting card
and sent postcards.
I fell in love with laugher until
they weren't funny anymore.
I fell in and out quicker than you could imagine.
I fell in love with cowards

until I fell for you.

Foto: Marlene Kirt

Until I fell for me.

Unfolding for 1:27

Things are unfolding
and all I can really do
is sit back
and watch them
effortlessly unfold,
sit back
and watch it all happen,
sit back
and finally let it bloom.

The most powerful thing right now
is to be patience.

To enjoy the process of opening.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

127 inquiries

all my best photographs
have you in them

you made me realize
how to compose my life
how composition works

and you made me realize
its time to let go
when the composition
doesn’t serve you

i am my own muse now

inquiries are open
for another one
as well

Kindness towards 1:27

The hot liquid
falling down her throat
wasn't alcohol.
It was kindness
towards herself,
kindness towards the lost,
kindness towards the ugly past.

Kindness towards her heart.