Tuesday, October 13, 2020


I can't wait to meet you
after all this time 
"Again?" you ask
Yes, because I have known you 
all along, 
that you are coming
or arriving,
however you'd like to see it. 

It is

Erase the fear
I'm always in love
Even if I don't know you 
I've always been in love 

It is what it is. 

Find your love

Find where the pain sits,
where the struggle awaits, 
where you can pin-point the missing feelings,
where body meets the soul. 

Be still for a second and look for it,
no interruptions, no outside thoughts. 
Be quiet and connect with the body, 
deepen the conversation. 

Find where the pain sits
and where are you. 
Is the pain with you, outside of you or where does it belong. 

Find where the pain sits
and then start to let it go. 

Find where the love grows. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Hmmmmmm. I wonder.

I wonder
if I ever cross your mind
when you're in the middle of a conversation, 
in the darkest hour of the day, 
wishing for a vacation, 
waiting for peace, 
aiming for adventure. 

What makes you laugh and what makes you stay, 
what are you hoping for 
and do we even dream about the same things. 

I wonder
is it okay that you're in my head?